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Sales and Marketing European Brand Specialists
Parma Ham and Herb Salami Bites
4 slices of Mestemacher Westfalian pumpernickel for cutting out
butter for spreading
8 slices of Parma ham
8 slices of herb salami
6 black olives in brine
½ honeydew melon
½ cantaloupe melon
In each case, cut four round pumpernickel bites from a slice of bread and spread them with a little bit of butter.
Top with 8 slices of herb salami, garnish each with an olive and skewer with a toothpick.
Top with 8 slices of Parma ham. Deseed the melon and cut out 8 evenly-sized balls from the fruit pulp. A special melon cutter that simplifies this task is suited for this.
In each case, garnish the bread slices with a honeydew melon and cantaloupe ball.

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